Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or treat, smell my... finger.

Trick or treat? You be the judge, but most people would NOT consider it a treat to be on the receiving end of a shocker this halloween. Or maybe it starts as a treat (two in the pink) and then, WAM! TRICKED! (add one in the stink). Either way, anyone rocking this shocker costume today gets bonus points for adding a couple pink beanies (and one brown) to the extended digits.

Nothing says, "Don't even try putting that apple in my candy bag," like a costume based on sexual assault. Wait, on second thought...

Happy Halloween.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Super Headline Fighter Alpha 4

Street fighter 4 (million) is coming soon to a console near you and Capcom is flooding the marketplace with enough print ads to make a gay flag. Unfortunately, THEY SUCK.
I mean seriously, a play-on the ol' "Reach out and touch someone?" Is this 198-fucking-5? I haven't seen ads this bad since portfolio school, and even those had promise. Hey Capcom, for 1/100th the price, I would've at least re-written headlines from this century.
At any rate, I posted the only one I sorta liked. I'm sure it was an accident.

Thanks to Kotaku for the heavy lifting.

Friday, October 24, 2008

When Kris gets angry

Once in a blue moon you come across a handbill containing at least one band name so amazing you wish it were yours. I can totally picture that group of dudes sitting around a dirty thirty of PBR, watching Big Top Pee-Wee and getting all aggro trying to think up band names. I have no idea what they sound like, or if they even play music, but that is just about as good as parody names get. I dare you to think of a better act to see on a Sunday afternoon (when I'm usually a lil pissedhofferson, myself).

And let's not forget Paul Padony. Not familiar? Well, surely you've heard of the hugely famous Mojo Apostles of which he is a member. I sure am glad he added that description or I might've missed the connection altogether!

See what the hell its all about this Sunday at the Hotel Utah in SF (Bryant and 4th).


Notice anything different about games nowadays? They're jiggling all up in our grill. I'm sure sexism will be eradicated from the gaming industry, eventually. In the meantime, I'll let you know when Link starts packing a horse-hose under that tunic. Hey, its the age of equality and fair is fair.

Oh, and google that shit if you don't get it... nOOb.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

In the beginning God said, 'Let there be the cathedral of christ the light!'
And there was... a giant glass vagina"

I figured the religious context of this, my very first post, was appropriate. I mean, who's more righteous than Mr. G-money Himself? Just goes to show, even He has to get His rocks off every once in awhile.

Thanks to the Catholic Diocese of Oakland for erecting this enormous, shimmering va-jammy-jam; ready to present itself to that big G-unit in the sky like a cat in heat.

Ah, Catholicism and eroticism together at last.
I wonder if the architect was also a priest.
Preoccupied much there, Father?